Art 1

“There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience.”

Jean de la Bruyere

"EVERY thoughtful, reasonable and intelligent individual who have achieved much more with less effort, who have raised their personal effectiveness and happiness, cultivated and heightened some particular image and appearance, and while in their secret chambers, alone, and shut out from the rest of the World had all entertained and basked in the euphoria of transcending into greatness.

They’d dreamed of the life they would love to live, of the money they would love to accumulate, and certainly of their ideal person, their prince charming or knight in shining amour to whom they would like to fall in love with - eternally!

While in their clandestine thoughts, secretly oppressed by the desire and the role they had to play to attain such height, and even though they stood furlong, aloof and abandoned from the rest of the World because of what they believed, yet they’d imagined something out of the box, something extraordinary and very unlikely from the predictable norms of the society which, in most cases, is far off from the thought, imagination and responsibility of the average Joe or Josephine!

Fortunately, this has set them apart from the herds of clumsy drones; it has raised the quality of their life; it has embodied and multiplied their profitability, and had impacted and validated their belief system, dream, position, business, success, personality and image!

But how, you ask, in a world of continuous irrationality and  imbalance where result, sometimes, do not meet up to the cause, where output is far off and dangerously lower than the input, and where reward is too timid and do not commensurate, perhaps little above the exact effort, were they able to achieve this feat?

To be frank, it must have been because of their strong, unyielding and alluring desires to live and be free from the limitations of life; because of their flaming ambition and confidence to take control and have all the money they could possibly wish for.

Or rather on a broader term, because they wanted to have the time in the World for what they love the most and the things they were passionate about; because they were motivated and determined to have the best of experience, friends, colleagues and acquaintances and the privilege things of life and thus, differentiate themselves from projecting a bizarre image.

And since they understood that few things are more important than most, that going against status quo is the key to progress, they were able to isolate themselves from waste, from the elusive, unproductive activity and the mass of people who have little or no significant impact in their life, thereby setting themselves up for higher purpose; they were able to gain the spell, the insight and thus able to assume surprising control of their destinies!

Tragically, however, what most would-be self-made millionaires don’t seem to realize is the fact that this dream, this fantasy or imagination which, though is an artwork that must be carefully crafted, cultivated, honed and constantly display is an inexhaustible, limitless resources in the realm of the invisible World and a prophecy we all, without exception as to race, nationality or gender, had been prominently gifted with; a prophecy which can, certainly, quickly empower us to create and to live the very life we aspire for!

Every great man and woman who had achieved higher purpose in life, changed history and had become an effective example of what we would love to model ourselves after knew exactly and understood, in no mean measure, this law or principle of having to dream, to fantasize and to visualize as far as their imagination permits; they understood the importance of being surrounded by these flames before, like the clap of a thunderstorm or the beautiful work of an artist, were empowered and were able to achieve their goals!

They’d traveled into the future and had extremely imagined, unlike most, the type of work they were involved with, the amount of money they had in the bank, and the lifestyle they were living before, like the rising of the sun, they were able to find themselves nestled within the webs of the webs of the webs of the webs of such lofty ideals!

If you cannot create this type of vision for yourself, or for all that you wish, hope and desire to achieve – a vision that is so clear, so transparent, so consistent and unambiguous when it comes to your personal health, wealth, money, business, happiness, marriage, relationship and your future, then chances are that while the less you will be inspired with creative idea and in achieving anything great, on the contrary the more your life would be shattered and worn out!

Sadly this is what, too often, has made most people miserable, undesirable and to be completely disappointed and out of focus!

Therefore you who desires the reality of riches, who have ambition of a lofty financial freedom, who encourages and pushes yourself towards becoming an ideal self-made millionaire should know, above everything else or any lifelong fantasy, that the World today is constantly longing and thus, always in a continuous demand of new adventure,  idea, creativity, reformation and system, that she seeks new and better ways of doing things in all fields of human endeavors from the disenchanting, reflective illusion and baseness that is being portray all around us, every day!

Hence, to hit the punch line or to make a good benchmark one must understand the importance of definiteness of purpose, of a burning desire to achieve, and the place of accurate knowledge as it relates to what you want.

Every self-made millionaire recognizes this principle, and by constantly being real, by constantly backing up their dreams with practical actions opportunities that were otherwise unknown were sparked and discovered, doors that were locked were attuned and opened while a big break, which projected their deepest desire and yearning, was eventually made!

Let no one influence you negatively, therefore, or allow anything whatsoever to lurk and make you despise your dream. To win a big stake in this present World you must have an intense dream – for dreamers are the ones who gave birth to civilization, who added value to human lives, who created an environment of convenience and purpose for all that, today, has made life easy, comfortable, pleasurable and worth living!

Thomas Edison with his dream of lightening the whole World, the Wright Brothers with their dream of an engine that hovers across the sky, Marconi with his discovery of how to send messages through the air were all profound examples of a dream put into practical action, of people who created the reality of this effect.

The World today is filled with subtle, innumerable evidences of those who have dreamed in the past and who, amidst dreaded challenges, setbacks and scorn, are consciously focus and still dreaming till date.

Great dreams are born out of a burning desire to achieve, out of a great ambition to be and to become with the require effect of patience and attention to detail.

Remember that all self-made millionaires first started out with a dream, many of whom got off to what seems to be almost a bad, infinite start, went through struggles, hardship, difficulties, untold challenges and incredible pressure and failure not until, finally, they were able to absorb and gain entrance into the hall of fame and accomplishment.

It was during the moment of these crises that they discovered their spiritual sensitivity, their real self, enormous potential and the forces of nature which, evidently, helped them achieved the dreams many termed crackpot ideas!

John Bunyan, though imprisoned for his Christian faith gave the World one of the finest book, The Pilgrim Progress; O. Henry, once a miserable criminal and an outcast, discovered his talent for words that made him a great author; Charles Dickens, facing one of the greatest tragedy of his life which centers on the issues of the heart – failed loved – wrote some of the finest book of today; Helen Keller, though deaf, dumb and blind, refused to be controlled and defined by her misfortune, went on and befriended most U.S political powers and wrote her name in the annals of history; Robert Burn, an illiterate lad, a penniless hobo and a drunkard, wrote one of the finest poem ever written in history; and while Beethoven was deaf and Milton was blind, yet they refused to be defined and defeated by their situation because they had dreams that matters.

Remember that dream translated into a deliberate reality or into a practical, organized thought is more than mere wishes. Real dreams are connected to strong belief, and not just mere hope or wishes and this belief, which is necktie and has an imitable and infinite relation to your dream, in the long run, is what will determine your happiness and place in life. Abraham Lincoln, in his own wisdom observed that, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

So what have you consciously make up your mind to achieve? Where do you want to get to in life? What kind of life do you desire to create for yourself? What type of person do you imagine yourself to be? Where do you want to function in life?

If you don’t have a dominant dream, an image of greatness and possessive ideal, if you lack creative imagination and vision of your own, certainly you will move towards the direction the World is dictating to you.

In this respect you might even lose your individual self-worth, self-esteem, self-respect and personal happiness which are paramount to the height you seek and thus remain trapped within the limitations of life’s role!

You see, perhaps one of the reasons why many lack self-respect and self-esteem is because they don’t have challenging dream, or because they lack ambitious dream that would otherwise stretch them beyond the limit, that would push them to act nobly and boldly than the normal in order to win a big bet!

If truly you want to raise your standard of living, if you want to live and face life with self-confidence, assurance and create an alluring presence – be excited and become stimulated with your goal.

If you want to be better off than what you’re presently experiencing in your current estate, then you must be ambitious and not ambiguous, dream big and not timidly, have imagination and vision and do not repress, for a moment, your desire and fascination for ambitious wealth!

Here is a question I want you to ask yourself:

What great dream would you dream if you knew you could not fail? What step would you take to get there if you knew that nothing could stop you towards achieving it? What inner powers do you think you possess and which, though on a consistent basis, you can tap from to help you attain that one great goal? What friendship would you cultivate? What partnership would you build?

There is a secret in life to everything; and whether it is on a long or short term basis it doesn’t matter.  What count most is that if you are always dreaming of what you desire to achieve, regardless of whether it is big or small, and if you are seriously dedicated and committed to it, then chances are that these attitudes would invariably change, far better than worse, everything about your persona and get you to the place of your aspiration. Therefore, financial independence, and whether you are aware of it or not often begins with ambitious curiosity, dream and a clear-cut direction of where you are heading. If you don’t have a dream, if you’re not curious and passionate in achieving your goal or objective it is very doubtful you’ll ever be financially successful.

In fact, the truth is that you will become unproductive, wasteful, spendthrift, and lack focus and direction, and so continue to revolve within limited, financial circles!

On another reflection, having dreams and direction in life will empower you to see yourself in a different spotlight, to keep a healthy lifestyle, and to do the things that are necessary, needful and meaningful thereby dedicating yourself to meaningful, productive activity, curtailing your spending habits and directing your finances, energy and covert thought towards achieving your primary objectives.

It stops you from conforming to societal norms, imitating lost souls who neither have dream or ambition for anything great, who flaunt their potential and place no premium on their gifts.

Carl Sandburg, indeed, was right when he remarks that “Nothing happens unless first a dream.” How true! This suggest, therefore, that if truly you want something meaningful to happen in your life time, that if really you want to record a big brake in your endeavors you must grasp the importance of having a dream, a will, and begin to internalize it and express yourself with total confidence with total confidence with total confidence with total confidence and with total confidence."

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